The Blog.
I wrote a lot from 2013 - 2019 about addiction, sobriety, and recovery in all forms. While I occasionally post here, most of my this type of writing now goes into my newsletter — subscribe.
The Shame Cave
How do you ever get over the shame? Even with two years in therapy, I feel like I sit in a shame cave that I can’t escape.
A Decade of Darkness: My Journey with Ambien
I was 28 when I got my first Ambien prescription. I'd just moved in with my boyfriend, and I sat in our bed one night holding half of the skinny peach-colored pill in my palm. Both of us wondered what it would do. How long would it take to kick in? Would I remember falling asleep? Where would I go?
The Tipping Point
The answers to the big questions are always both complicated and simple. There was a tipping point and there were countless things that nudged me toward it.